For our last night, we read these books:

We spent most of the day just getting ready for the rest of the weekend. I cleaned up the kitchen and did laundry while the kids played on the computer or with Legos or Polly Pockets.
This evening we got to go to a Christmas Eve service at a church in our local town. I have never been to one because our family obligations have always been at the same time but that changed this year. It was a very special and reflective time.
Later, JB's dad came over so the kids could open up presents from him. They all got books which they are excited about. Chubbles got two search and find books with Elmo and Mickey. Lil Red got a princess book and a ballerina book and each one came with a matching necklace. Lil Man got a Star Wars Lego book that had over 200 pieces that you use to build the items throughout the book. My favorite was Legs' book. It was a Harry Potter book and it is all the inside stuff about the characters and the making of the movies.
The other gift they opened from my father-in-law was a group gift. We have finally entered the age of home gaming systems and we now have a Wii. It came with Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort and we were given three other games, Lego Harry Potter, Indiana Jones and Mario Brothers. There were squeals of delight as that present was opened.
After papa left, we had the kids open their one gift from us. They know what they are because we do it every year on Christmas Eve. They all got new pajamas to wear. This is only the second time I have not coordinated them but I wasn't really happy with what I had seen this year.

Finally, at the end of the night, we put out our cookies and letters for Santa and a carrot for the reindeer.
It didn't take Lil Red and Lil Man five minutes to fall asleep. I am so excited about tomorrow. We start out with Santa gifts, breakfast and reading the REAL Christmas story from Luke 2 in the Bible. I love hearing JB read out-loud to all of us each year.
At the beginning of the month, we told them that we couldn't afford presents this year and that was why we were starting the new tradition of reading books each night and making sure to focus on a different Christmas activity each day. Well, some friends got together and presented us with gift cards to go shopping for the kids. They still think they aren't getting anything from us, so Christmas morning will be one big surprise.
Tonight we read these books:

After a late start, I took the kids to my Aunt C's house. They got to make pizza, ice cream sundaes and play some Wii. They also got some early Christmas presents, new coats, pjs, books and Bop It. While they were having fun, I got shopping done for the kids from JB's dad. I have only one gift left to get for LIl Man and then lots of wrapping to do. I chose to get some things from Barnes and Noble and then clothes. I stopped at Old Navy, Carter's Outlet and Justice.
We made time to read these books tonight:

We spent seven hours on the road to go to Marietta, OK, and back. My mom's family was having an Christmas get-together. Lots of yummy food and great fellowship was shared. We even had a lot of my mom's cousins together so they got a group picture.
When we got back to town, Legs went to a Sunday school class party. They girls made cookies and then delivered them to fire stations and police stations.
Tonight we read these books:

Today was busy with Christmas and non-Christmas events. It started very early with JB taking Lil Man to his basketball game. They won 12-3. Once they got home, I got the kids loaded up and we ran some errands like picking up some gift cards for three different birthdays. We failed to make it to our great niece and great nephew's birthday party. I still had to get home and finish putting together chili and a dessert for the party later tonight.
Lil Red had a birthday party to go to while at the same time Lil Man had a Boy Scout pack meeting and I had an appointment. Lil Man and another wolf scout got to present the colors and I am so disappointed that I missed it. I am praying one of the other moms got some pictures for me. Lil Red is our little diva/princess but to our surprise she didn't want the cucumbers on her eyes or the avocado mask on her face during the party. She did let them paint their nails with sparkly nail polish.
Later that evening, the kids went to JB's sister's house and the two of us went to a church youth worker's party. I think I was the only spouse there that didn't work in the youth department. The men were supposed to bring chili and the women were to bring the desserts. JB will be the first to tell you that he doesn't really know how to cook but to our surprise, he won the chili contest. It was the first time we had had Elk Chili but it was really good. There was enough leftover I think we will be having Frito Chili Pie, Chili Cheese Dogs and 3-Way Chili this week coming up.
While we were at our party, the kids had a pizza and movie night with their aunt and uncle. They may make this a tradition in the years to come.
All the kiddos are back home so tonight we read these books:

My mom took Legs shopping today and they found the cutest boots. She is very proud of them and has worn them everyday since.
Before the other kids got home, Chubbles and I went to the library for preschool storytime where she got to deliver her gift to Ms. S. Chubbles was so proud and insisted she carry the gift in all by herself. Ms. S was so surprised and said all the goodies would be enjoyed at her house.
Chubbles took a good nap so I took advantage and got some cleaning done before the noise started back at our house. It didn't take long once they got home, no more silence. While the kids were settling in at home, I took my mom and we went and did all of our Christmas dinner shopping.
On December 15th, Chubbles and I read these books:

The other three kids were still gone today but it was reported that they made and decorated cookies at grandma and grandpa's house. Chubbles and I put together a gift bag of goodies for the Ms. S, the children's librarian. Ms. S does a great preschool storytime and Chubbles looks forward to it every Thursday. We made banana nut bread, turkey noodle soup mix, spiced tea mix and snowman soup. The last thing was for her son at home.
Today, Chubbles and I read these books.

Chubbles got to spend part of the day with one of her friends. Another mom had offered to watch the kids so I took her up on it and spent the time with my best friend, K. We did some shopping, eating and just plain ol' good girlfriend time together.
Our family was blessed this year to provide gifts from Santa by either re-gifting an older sibling's toy (Barbie house for Lil Red) or a donated toy from a friend (Nintendo Game Boy for Lil Man and Vanity for Chubbles). Legs wanted a new Bible and had previously picked one out at Mardels. Today, when Santa's elves went to get it, they were out but the elves spotted a horse-lovers Bible. I can't wait to see her reaction on Christmas morning at the unexpected gift.
Tonight, Chubbles and I added more ornaments to our tree. We couldn't find our ornament hooks so I got some more today and we finished adding our special ones. I was told that the other three kids decorated grandma and grandpa's tree today too.
On December 13th, Chubbles and I read these books.

You may be wondering why I said it was only Chubbles and I reading these books. Well, the other kiddos are at my parent's house for a few days. This is an annual tradition and grandma's rule is that you have to be potty trained to come without mom or dad. They went to see Christmas lights tonight and will decorate the tree one day and make decorated cookies on another day.
Chubbles and I didn't do much Christmas related but we did see some pretty Christmas lights on the way home from taking the kids to my parent's. We did get some great cuddle time with each other while everyone was gone.