Thursday, May 16, 2013

{Review} Waterproof Bible

Are you an avid beach comber?  Or how about someone that likes to hike?  Or just someone that likes to be outside a lot?  During any of these activities, do you like to take your Bible with you but you worry about the weather or environment conditions ruining your Bible? Whether it is a traditional book or electronic version?  What is a person to do?

The Waterproof Bible is perfect for you.  Bardin & Marsee Publishing has created a Bible that is 100% waterproof inside and out.  Their “Waterproof Bible lets you take the word with you anywhere.  Water, mud and pretty much anything else wipes right off.  Available in NKJV, NIV, ESV, NLT and KJV.”

Our family received a copy of the New Testament version which included Psalms and Proverbs.  At first, it was hard to allow God’s word to be allowed out in the elements but after taking deep breaths I allowed Dude to drop it in a bucket full of water and then we left it out in the rain.  This included some expected mud to land on the Waterproof Bible.  Another time I let Chubbles drop it into the pool at the hotel while on our vacation.  One last test was during our youth fishing event.  Legs reported that her friends thought she had lost it when the Bible was put into the pond.

*Pictures to come soon*

Bobby and Anna at Bardin & Marsee Publishing made the Waterproof Bibles completely waterproof, dry quickly, are much stronger than paper, are usable with writing utensils (ball point pen, pencil, or dry highlighter), and adapt well to all extremes or reading environments.  When we brought in our Bible in from our tests, we opened it up on its spine to allow it to dry overnight as the directions indicated.

The kids are excited to come up with more ways to test our Bible.  Dude wants to take it into the shower with him and the little girls want to take in into the bathtub with them.  I have to consider those because they already like to take long showers and baths.

I am pretty sure Legs is going to take it with her to the annual church camp.  I am sure that it will get a lot of testing throughout the entire youth group.

Pros: This product is amazing!  A lot of thought was put into the creation of this product and it is a great value.  We have been able to take God’s word with us where we would not have before.

Cons: I have not come up with after reviewing this product.

I thought this would be a great present for a new graduating student to have with them wherever they go.  You can look at all the options and order your own copy here.

This review is part of Mosaic Reviews: A medley of review perspectives.  To see other perspectives, please visit here after May 17th.

The next review will be My Homeschool Grades.

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