I have been married to JB for sixteen and half years. We met at the beginning of our second year of college at Oklahoma State University and we were married the following year. We added to our family quickly with three fuzzy babies, Conner, Aladdin and Nala before we had the chance to add four wonderful children.We now live in JB's hometown which was a culture shock for my system but I have come to love the community and the families that I consider good friends. We moved onto the current ten acres and JB has said that the only way he will leave this house is in a hearse. I have to agree, I am tired of moving. Our land is surrounded by more family land that is currently harvested each summer for hay but will eventually be a pecan orchard. Oh, the joy of trees and shade bring a smile to my heart but in the meantime, I will have to settle for wide open spaces.

In March 1998, God blessed us with our first child, Legs. She has been the best thing to happen to us and is more than we could ever ask for.
She plays the part of the oldest, big sister role well and is my right hand during each day. She loves the Lord with all her heart, focusing on sharing the plan of salvation with anyone that will listen. She also enjoys reading, crafts and competitive gymnastics.
I love watching her grow in her Christian walk and she has a special place in her heart for her baby sister and her dog, Nellie. Legs' favorite subjects are science and math but that could change at anytime depending on an assignment.

Lil Man joined our family in August of 2002. He adds entertainment to our household. There is hardly a time that he is not talking or commenting or making a sound effect of some kind.
He keeps his focus on playing sports (football, basketball and baseball) as well as watching Nascar. Lil Man's favorite driver is Jeff Gordon and he chooses #24 for his team jerseys as often as he can. He likes to build with Legos and retell the story of Star Wars in his spare time.
He always looks forward to the days he gets to go to work with daddy by himself since he has to spend most of this days surrounded by the ladies of the house. His proudest moment was the first time he met his baby sister and he continues to shower her with love.

The princess of the family is Lil Red. She was born in July of 2004 and life as we knew it has never been the same again. She is a bundle of energy and is the toughest ballerina you will ever meet.
Lil Red loves to dance tap and ballet and play dress-up everyday. We never know what she will be wearing when she comes out of her room. She can easily take down her big brother and they are constantly wrestling.
Lil Red has officially joined us with schoolwork each day and is doing a great job. She is my little mommy and keeps us all in line when it comes to rules and manners even though it may be hard for her to follow those herself.

The final addition to our family is the lone blonde, Chubbles, who joined us in February 2008. She is definitely a blessing we had not planned but we are so glad that God knows better than we do.
She spends her days imitating her siblings and tries to do school right alongside them. She is very independent and many times will be hollering at a sister or brother letting them know that they are not doing what they are supposed to be doing.
Chubbles' greatest love is Elmo. Everyday life includes Elmo in every aspect. She received a whole bunch of presents related to the red furry guy and she could not be happier.
Our family loves to attend and serve in our church in the bigger town. JB and Legs both take part in FAITH evangelism while I teach in the Preschool Department. Lil Man and Lil Red always look forward to attending the fun activities in the Children's Department while Chubbles starts saying "church" when we mention a friend in her class.
JB stays busy the rest of the time with his own business, JB3 Systems. He is a network engineer and works on computers removing viruses and setting up networks. JB has also started designing websites for various clients and I have seen a creative side of him that I have never seen before.
In addition to being a wife, mommy and teacher at home, I serve as team mom for Lil Man's baseball team. I also enjoy organizing activities and field trips for our home school group. I work at American Gymnastics in the office. This job allows me some much needed adult interaction and helps pay for tuition and fees that my daughters incur. In my small amount of spare time, I enjoy scrapbooking, reading and sewing.